It's June, which means it's Cataract Awareness Month. Did you know that cataracts are the main source of vision loss among patients who are over 55 years old? More so, more than 50% of all North Americans who are 65 and older have at the very least, partial cataract development. As reported by the National Eye Institute, by the time they hit 80, more than half of all Americans will have either had cataract surgery, or will have a cataract.
A cataract is a clouding of the lens; one that limits or changes the passage of light into the eye. For a lot of people, cataracts are a normal result of older age. Other possible risk factors for developing a cataract include diabetes, obesity, abnormal blood pressure, inflammation in the eye, hereditary influences, ongoing steroid use, eye injuries and smoking.
During the initial phases of cataract development, brighter lighting and eyewear may be prescribed to reduce the vision issues you might experience. Eventually, though, a surgical procedure might be needed to fix your sight. It's worth nothing that more than 9 out of 10 patients who have undergone cataract surgery regain excellent sight.
If you are over fifty-five and noticing low vision symptoms, book an appointment to discuss cataracts with your eye doctor. There are treatments available for cataracts, and we know you want to have total visibility throughout your golden years.